Kyla Duhart LCSW, Cedar Ridge Counseling
Susan Iekel, LCSW-C, LICSW, LCSW is a clinical social worker licensed to practice in MD, DC, and VA. Susan works from a collaborative, strengths-based perspective, and believes a strong and trusting therapeutic relationship is the foundation for a successful treatment outcome. She has a special interest in wellness and the mind-body connection in treating the whole person. Susan has post-graduate training in Jungian-informed psychotherapy, which utilizes creative techniques such as dreamwork and the use of the arts in the therapeutic process. This approach can offer a “deeper-dive” in therapy that Susan believes can promote insight, growth, and a richer life.

Susan earned her Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Maryland in 2002. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Dance with a Concentration in Dance Movement Therapy from Goucher College. Prior to joining Cedar Ridge Counseling Center, Susan provided therapy and clinical social work services in the non-profit and State sectors in the Baltimore Washington Metro area.

Susan specializes in working with individuals ages 21 and up.

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