Karalyn Mulligan, Clinician at Cedar Ridge Counseling Centers, Domestic Violence Coordinator of The University of Maryland, Capital Region Health’s Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center, and President of The Maryland Health Care Coalition Against Domestic Violence, has been working with crime victims for over 25 years, including in the roles of advocate, therapist, coordinator and executive director. Ms. Mulligan also serves on several local multidisciplinary teams, including the County’s Domestic Violence Coordinating Council and the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team. Ms. Mulligan was featured in the film “Bringing Sexual Assault Offenders to Justice” by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Ms. Mulligan received a Maryland Governors’ Victim Assistance award in 2014 and The Prince George’s County’s Office of the Sheriff’s Purple Light Bulb award in 2018. Ms. Mulligan has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC).